More than Sanctions are Necessary to Create Democracy in Venezuela

On January 30, 2024, the State Department announced a reinstatement of sanctions on Venezuelan oil and gas. According to an article by France 24, the US also ended a license that authorized operations by a Venezuelan gold-mining company.


The sanctions follow an order by the Venezuelan Supreme Court that banned the current president Maduro’s main conservative opponent, Maria Corina Machado, from holding office for 15 years. According to France 24, the US has long opposed Maduro, and President Trump declared in 2019 that Maduro’s presidency was illegitimate due to a fraudulent election. However, despite multiple countries in the West and Latin America’s lack of support, Maduro has maintained power due to his supporters in the government and military. According to ABC News, the Biden administration is threatening Maduro’s regime with further sanctions if they do not lift the ban on opposing candidates. 


Biden removed the sanctions on Venezuelan oil and gas in October 2023 in order to make a deal to allow opponents in presidential elections, according to an article by Reuters. According to the Department of State, Maduro’s rule has led to millions of Venezuelans without food security, in need of humanitarian assistance, and even fleeing the country. Maduro has also been manipulating elections and allying with drug traffickers and rogue groups to maintain his rule. 


Many senators, especially Republicans, have voiced their opinion that President Biden has not been taking sufficient measures to support democracy in Venezuela, according to an article by ABC news. In an attempt to negotiate with Maduro’s regime, the Biden administration did not oppose any additional sanctions and reversed the sanctions from the Trump administration. Sanctions relief for Venezuela, an OPEC member, have often been used as a way for the US to coerce Maduro’s government to act by their will. According to a Reuters article from December 2023, the US threatened to reverse certain sanctions-relief measures if Venezuela did not release certain political prisoners and U.S. citizens. Additionally, sanctions have been used by the Biden administration as a way to show lawmakers that the US is taking a strong stance against Maduro and his leftist government. 


According to an article by the United States Institute of Peace, sanctions are popular with both parties as a way of gaining leverage in negotiations with Maduro. However, some also argue that the sanctions are not enough to create fair elections. The USIP references some informal negotiations between Republicans in Congress and the Venezuelan government that led to the release of an American prisoner in Venezuela. In addition to sanctions, the US needs to continue these kinds of smaller-scale negotiations to make small steps toward democracy. Additionally, sanctions can hurt the Venezuelan government and cause more economic insecurity for citizens. The US should focus on continuing humanitarian aid and efforts so that Venezuelans are not negatively impacted by negotiations. The USIP also emphasizes that the US can send monetary aid to media and civil society groups to help them hold the government accountable. A healthy and educated population is necessary to start building democratic institutions and promoting free elections. 
