Successful Intercontinental Missile Testing Escalated Intimidation Or Impending Doomsday?

The Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea (DPRK) has now successfully tested a new intercontinental ballistic missile, inciting claims from leader Kim Jong-Un that the nation-state as now a full nuclear statehood. North Korean soldiers have gathered in Pyongyang’s Kim Il-Sung square rejoicing the success of the latest missile tests including propaganda based slogan, fireworks and dancing in the Pyongyang squares.

The missile tested is classified as an ICBM Hwasong-15 weaponry system, and contains a wide-ranging heavy warhead, allegedly capable of targeting the entirety of United States mainland. Existing tensions between the DPRK and the United States are increasing, due to impending retaliation efforts from the U.S. and long-time ally, South Korea.

Post receiving news of the successful testing, Vice Chairman Pak Kwang-Ho of the currently ruling Workers Party stated: “now no one can infringe our sovereignty and rights to survive and develop.” He also echoed President Kim Jong-Un’s threats that the state was ready to respond to war threats with the “highest level of hard-line countermeasure in history.” In response to the successive threats, the U.S. has stated that Kim’s reign will be “utterly destroyed,” if the nuclear resources misaligned with U.S. military interests. There has been a struggle to upkeep credibility and docility in the face of increasing conflicts on the part of the U.S. Despite the celebrations, uranium analysts worldwide have expressed their doubts regarding the DPRK mastering technology required to accurately direct missiles, as well as ensuring it can re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere.

The violently reactionary nature of the conflict between the DPRK and the United States demonstrates a complete opposition to peaceful conflict resolution. The two powerful nation-states, in particular, the United States, have a responsibility to endorse global security, but instead are awarding nuclear weaponry credibility as a legitimate conflict resolution method. While the U.S. also has exclusive powers in dismantling authoritarian regimes that induce the suffering of their respective constituents, negotiations should be promoted over nuclear warfare to arrive peacefully at a well-rounded compromise.

Testing of the intercontinental missile comes as an escalated response to U.S. President Trump’s twitter tirades, in which he addressed Kim Jong-Un as “little Rocket Man.” Further, in a United Nations address, Trump proceeded to threaten to destroy the Republic. Since then, both leaders have been engaged in a successive mutual intimidation contest. South Korea and the United States are now projecting to launch a significant air force drill marshalling 230 military aircraft, including six US F-22 Raptor stealth jet fighters in the North Korean territory.

Strategies employed by Trump and Kim Jong-Un in this contest blatantly undermine the severity and strength of nuclear weaponry. President Trump has been reckless in his response to North Korean demands, further provoking an already erratic leader and regime. However, potential peaceful strategies to resolve the conflict surpass bilateral relations, with nations including China and Russia playing a significant role in implementing sanctions to coerce North Korea to comply with international humanitarian laws. Both nations should concern themselves with the mistreatment of North Korean citizens over economic progress in the region. This continued form of power play only further encourages erratic, undiplomatic strategies including missile development. In turn, this substantially increases the danger of a nuclear war, impeding strongly on global peace.
