Recent Russian Attacks Result In A Restatement Of France’s Support For Ukraine

In a recent meeting in Kyiv, Ukraine, France’s Foreign Minister continues to reiterate France’s support for Ukraine after recent Russian attacks. After almost two years since their first attack, Russia has begun increasing its number of aerial strikes. The Israel and Hamas conflict has taken center stage in global politics and is starting to deter attention from Ukraine’s struggles. Ukrainian supporters have recently reduced their aid due to major blockades in funding and the hesitation of the U.S. Congress. Simultaneously, to promote European values, France is determined to assist Ukraine in any way possible.

A Kiel Institute survey conducted in December reports that “aid promised to Ukraine between August and October 2023 fell almost 90 percent from the same period in 2022, reaching its lowest point since the start of the war.” Russia has decided to take advantage of the world’s attention on the Middle East and is capitalizing on Ukraine’s lack of supporters. Fearful of Russia’s determination, France has declared Ukraine as their number one priority. According to a parliamentary report, France’s “military support so far amounts to 3.2 billion euros.” In an attempt to strengthen Ukraine’s military, France has also discussed options to reinforce Ukraine’s air defense further.

Prioritizing defense is essential in mitigating the number of casualties and human suffering in Ukraine. To prevent a long war, it is important to increase Ukraine’s security and its international support. With a 50-billion-euro aid package currently blocked, concern rises as Ukraine’s struggles become undermined. To encourage a holistic peace process, advocating for E.U. membership would be in Ukraine’s best interest. By joining the European Union, Ukraine’s economic stability can increase, potentially accentuating its successful involvement in the European market. The principles of international law are exploited through Russia’s attacks, so it is crucial to advocate for international support. 

Russia’s determination to successfully invade Ukraine stems from cultural, economic, and political ties that have existed throughout history beginning in the former Soviet Union period. Out of fear of Ukraine’s possible legitimacy through membership in either the E.U. or N.A.T.O., Russia has exhausted every measure to conduct illegal and aggressive acts against its former territory. As Ukraine becomes more westernized, Russia’s paranoia has increased. Instead of recognizing their independence, Russia emphasizes Ukraine’s strategic and political importance to their country. Out of fear of Russian expansion, France has tightened diplomatic relations with Ukraine, claiming to do all they can to increase their security and support their independence.

France’s renewal of its support for Ukraine in a time of crisis exemplifies the importance of diplomatic relations. By assisting, Ukraine can continue to improve its security and defense against Russian attacks. To sustain peaceful relations, it is essential to have other international powers on Ukraine’s side. The more support Ukraine has, the less inclined Russia will be to attack. By encouraging reinforcement, Russia may have the capacity to agree to negotiations that have the potential to peacefully end the war. France’s support is one step closer to a more stable and peaceful Ukraine.
