Freedom Convoy Plans To Occupy Victoria B.C. For As Long As Three Months

Many thought the Freedom Convoy had diminished. However, Freedom Convoy organizer James Bauder announced his plans to create a large convoy in Victoria, British Columbia, starting on March 14th. Bauder said the following on March 3rd: “We’re going to be occupying that area for two to three months…This is a very intense, deeply rooted NDP-Liberal stronghold down there. And they’ve had their way for too long.”

Approximately 500-1,000 vehicles are planning to travel from Surrey to Victoria, which will be funded through social media campaigns. Bauder reports that British Columbia’s indoor mask mandate longevity sparked the mass event. Bauder’s plan includes incorporating multiple rolling convoys so supporters can sign up for individual events that will range from 100 to 200 vehicles in size. The convoy will begin in Thunder Bay on March 7th and travel west to Dryden, Ontario, Winnipeg, Moose Jaw, Calgary, Kamloops, Surrey, and Victoria. 

The Freedom Convoy started on January 15th when the Canadian government authorized a federal mandate on essential cross-border workers. To bypass the 14-day quarantine COVID-19 requirements, workers were required to show proof of vaccination at their entry point. After this mandate took place, truckers entering Canada from the United States have vehemently opposed this regulation, and on January 29th,  freedom supporters converged at Parliament Hill in Ottawa.  

As noted by Freedom Convoy members, protests are fundamental to Canadian democracy; however, the convoy has disrupted daily life for many Canadians. In February 2022, convoy members were reportedly obstructing routes for emergency vehicles and imposing long traffic waits due to the rally. In addition, many freedom members created loud honking noises and have made it difficult for local businesses to thrive. Additionally, the Freedom Convoy has been a site of far-right violence, as some convoy members have displayed racist, xenophobic, and white supremacist remarks. This can be seen by members wearing Trump apparel, Nazi salutes, swastikas, and confederate flags. 

In early February, violent Freedom Convoy protests erupted in Ottawa, which led to police services struggling to solve the violence imposed on the city’s capital. Diana Deans, chair of the Community and Protective Services in Ottawa, reported that residents were coping with a “living hell” and that the Ottawa police had been overwhelmed by the situation. Additionally, humanitarian assistance programs have been primarily targeted by the convoy. Attacks against employees of Shepherds of Good Hope, which offers support for homeless and vulnerable adults, as well as the Cornerstone Housing for Women, an emergency women’s shelter, left clients and employees terrified to get access to support. 

Victoria police Constable Cam MacIntyre declined to talk about potential preparations for the rally but mentioned the department’s approach will consist of “protecting public safety and ensuring that people are able to exercise their rights to safe, peaceful and lawful protest.”

Although the convoy has been around for a while now, Victoria could suffer economic and social barriers from the ongoing rallies. With the violence attached to the Freedom Convoy, community members could suffer from the acts of extremist believers. Hopefully, as seen with Ottawa, government officials and Victoria police can provide aid for residents, leading to a halt in convoy activities. 


Amanda Thomson
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