China Is Prepared To Forcefully Stop Taiwan’s Attempt At Independence

Since the May 20, 2024 inauguration of President Lai Ching-te in Taiwan, China has reinforced its pursuit of the unification of Taiwan and the Republic of China. Lai’s persistent calls for independence have spurred tension in China, causing Chinese officials to use force as a mechanism to terminate Taiwan’s attempt at sovereignty. These efforts have led to increased U.S. involvement, prompting face-to-face communication that has been halted for years.

Aljazeera writes that in a speech to the Singaporean security forum, Chinese Defense Minister, Dong Jun, has revealed that their military was fully prepared to “forcefully” stop Taiwan’s attempt at independence. Dong claims that Taiwan is a “core of core issue” and those who betray the Chinese nation “will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.” These bold declarations are inhibited by the belief that Taiwan intends to destroy the Chinese identity.

Since the President of Taiwan does not hold the power to declare independence, the R.O.C. should lay off its claims to independence to ease tension with China. China has grown increasingly threatened by Lai’s self-proclamation as the ‘pragmatic worker for Taiwan independence,’ ultimately placing Taiwan higher on China’s radar. Their dangerous threats impede Taiwan’s security, potentially resulting in death penalty punishments for separatists. Taiwan must gain independence, but the timing could not be worse. Since the P.R.C. has zero jurisdiction over Taiwanese law, Taiwan must weigh its options and disclose a decision that ensures safety. Even though they have not declared independence, they still have access to international organizations. Their nation must be secure, but the growing strain of China’s threats is hindering this security. 

Since the release of Taiwan from Japanese jurisdiction in 1912, China has wholeheartedly believed that Taiwan is considered part of its territory. Whether it’s a beacon of unity or a mere message from Chinese ancestors, the core belief that their cultural identity should not be separated exists heavily within China. The recent comments by China’s Defense Chief Dong, have spurred communication between the U.S. and China in an attempt to soften tensions. After Pelosi visited Taiwan in 2022, communication between the two nations has been limited. The increasing belief that the R.O.C. and P.R.C. should be united is affecting issues between the U.S. and China. Since the inauguration of Lai, China has increased trade sanctions, patrolling, and military actions near and in Taiwan. This effort is worrying democratic nations as well as feeding Chinese initiatives. 

Peace and security are not guaranteed as China increases its influence over Taiwanese affairs. Lai’s presidency has prompted heightened beliefs from both Chinese nationalists and Taiwan separatists. This crisis that exists near the South China Sea must be resolved through peaceful negotiations and compromises. It is important to manage affairs with China in a respectable manner, especially since they’ve made a variety of dangerous threats. To prevent any military force from being utilized against Taiwan, the two national identities must come together to find a solution that benefits both nations.
