Author: Catherine Kreider

How Violence Is Overshadowing George Floyd Protests In America

On May 25th, an African American man by the name of George Floyd died in Minneapolis from injuries sustained while in police custody. The same day, videos of Floyd’s murder spread across the internet and social media, causing mass unrest amongst the American public at the flagrant disregard for Floyd’s

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Latin American Gangs Are Using COVID-19 To Increase Their Power

March 2020 was the most violent month in Mexican history since 1997. Despite the global COVID-19 pandemic, criminal groups throughout Latin America have learned to adapt to the new social and economic environment and use the crisis to their advantage. The introduction of the coronavirus has shifted security priorities in

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Sudan Outlaws Female Genital Mutilation

Sudan outlawed the widespread practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), marking a historic victory for women’s rights in the African country. The WHO defines female genital mutilation “as procedures that intentionally alter or cause injuries to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.” Female genital mutilation is prolific in Sudan,

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Trump #FireFauci Tweet Sparks Concern

On the night of April 12th, Donald Trump retweeted a post seeming to support the firing of the NIAID director, Anthony Fauci. The tweet followed Fauci’s interview with CNN, where he admitted earlier COVID-19 mitigation ‘‘could have saved lives.’’ Trump’s retweet stimulated speculation of the possible replacement of Fauci on

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5G Conspiracy Theories Lead To Vandalism Of Wireless Towers in the U.K.

In April 2020, there are reports of more than 30 cases of vandalism against wireless towers and equipment in Britain. The rapid increase relates to online conspiracy theories linking the spread of COVID-19 to new 5G wireless technology. The conspiracy has gained ground due to widespread misinformation on social media.

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Colombia’s ELN Rebels Agree To A Ceasefire Due To COVID-19

In the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, National Liberation Army (ELN) rebels in Colombia have agreed to a month-long unilateral ceasefire. The ceasefire was implemented on April 1st and is set to last until April 30th. The ELN rebels have called it a “humanitarian gesture” to the Colombian people

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Taliban Rejects Afghanistan’s Conditional Prisoner Release Decree

On March 11th, 2020, the Taliban rejected the Afghanistan Government’s offer for the ‘conditional release’ of Taliban prisoners. President Ghani’s offer follows the groundbreaking February 29th deal between the United States and the Taliban to end the 18 year-long conflicts in Afghanistan. In a bid to withdraw U.S. troops in

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