Day: July 25, 2021

Syrian Refugee Crisis: A Mixture of Chaos

It has been ten years since the Syrian civil war started, and the start of the war also ignited the beginning of the world’s largest refugee crisis. World Vision reports that approximately 13.5 million Syrians have been displaced as a result of the civil war, with one half being refugees

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Securitised Seas: Frontex Complicit In Rights Abuses

Frontex, the European Border and Coastguard Agency, is under pressure. Research by investigative journalism outlets like Bellingcat, Der Spiegel, and SeaWatch has found evidence of numerous rights abuses on Europe’s seas; coastguard ships engaging in illegal pushbacks, firing live ammunition at migrant dinghies, and ‘deporting’ migrants by forcing them into

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Ethiopia Says Second Filling Of Giant Dam On Blue Nile Complete

Ethiopia has finished filling the reservoir of its huge Renaissance dam on the Blue Nile River for a second year which causes tensions to rise in Egypt and Sudan: the two main downstream neighbors. According to Al Jazeera, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) project, which has cost four billion

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Food Insecurity And COVID-19 In India

Across the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has been the cause of food insecurity. The World Bank estimates that 71 million people will be pushed into extreme poverty as a result of the pandemic, and an additional 130 million will be experiencing food insecurity. This is most pertinent in India, where

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Turkey Detains Nearly 1,500 Migrants At Iranian Border

This week, Turkish officials confirmed that 1,456 undocumented migrants have been detained near Turkey’s southeast border since July 10—the majority of which are Afghan. Those detained by security forces are but a small sample of the hundreds of Afghans crossing Turkey’s borders each day in what is becoming a mass

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E.U. Border Agency To Police Lithuania-Belarus Frontier From Next Week

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, announced that they would increase police intervention in the Lithuania-Belarus frontier, on the 29th of July, in response to a substantial increase in migrants crossing the border illegally. The rise in E.U. intervention includes extended surveillance, the deployment of more guards, and

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